Data Publishing

Unlock your publishing potential
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Data Publishing Consulting & Impementation service

These stages and services showcase ACTIVO's approach to optimizing publishing processes through meticulous planning, integration, and the use of advanced technologies to meet the dynamic needs of modern organizations.

Analysis & Workshops

Needs Assessment
Conduct a comprehensive analysis to understand your current publishing processes and identify key areas for improvement.
Workflow Mapping
Map existing workflows to visualize the current state of publishing processes and pinpoint inefficiencies or bottlenecks.
Best Practices Review Incorporate industry best practices into the planning process to enhance publishing strategies.
Strategic Planning
Develop a strategic plan that outlines actionable steps for improving publishing operations and achieving organizational goals.

Data Governance & Integration

Data Standardization
Implement standards for data management to ensure consistency and accuracy across all publishing channels.
System Integration
Seamlessly integrate data across various platforms, including CMS, PIM, and other related systems, to streamline workflows.
Governance Policies
Establish robust data governance policies to manage access, usage, and quality of publishing data.
User Roles and Permissions
Define clear user roles and permissions to control access to sensitive data and maintain data integrity.

Catalog Production

Content Aggregation
Gather and organize content needed for catalog production, ensuring it is accurate and up-to-date.
Automated Publishing Tools Implement automated tools to facilitate efficient catalog assembly and updates.
Multi-channel Distribution
Prepare catalogs for distribution across multiple channels, including print, online, and mobile platforms.
Performance Tracking
Monitor and analyze the performance of published catalogs to gather insights and make informed improvements.

Leverage data publishing for yourself

Services around your digital thinking

Explore our comprehensive range of publishing services designed to streamline your content creation and distribution processes, ensuring precision, efficiency, and scalability across all formats.

Database Publishing

We offer database publishing solutions that automate the creation of documents directly from your database content, enhancing efficiency and accuracy in generating technical manuals, price lists, and reports.

Catalog Production

Our catalog production service provides end-to-end management of catalog design, content organization, and publication, ensuring high-quality outputs that are aligned with your marketing strategies.

Web to Print

We provide web-to-print solutions that enable seamless transitions from digital content to print media, offering customizable templates and streamlined ordering processes for marketing materials and other print products.

We deliver cost, time & quality benefits.

Our Guaranteed Results

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Enhanced Competitiveness

Modern digital strategies enable companies to stay ahead by quickly adapting to market changes and technological advancements.

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Improved Customer Engagement

A forward-thinking digital approach enhances interactions across all digital touchpoints, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

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Operational Efficiency

Streamlined workflows and better data utilization reduce costs and improve decision-making, boosting overall business performance.

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Expanded Market Reach

Digital innovations facilitate entry into new markets and improve engagement with diverse customer bases through tailored marketing campaigns.

Leverage data publishing for yourself

Desktop Cloud Publishing with Priint

We harness cutting-edge digital software tools to facilitate interactive workshops that foster collaboration and creativity. Our advanced suite of tools is designed to engage participants, enabling real-time interaction and ensuring a dynamic exchange of ideas.

These state-of-the-art solutions support a wide range of multimedia formats and interactive features, enhancing the learning and development experience.

Whether you're looking to brainstorm, strategize, or innovate, our digital tools are tailored to meet the demands of any workshop, ensuring every session is productive, engaging, and seamlessly executed. Join us to experience the future of interactive workshops.

Connect InDesign to your PIM with Easycatalog

Leverage the power of seamless integration with EasyCatalog, connecting InDesign to your Product Information Management (PIM) system. This tool enhances data management by automating the assembly of templates and libraries, updating content, and facilitating proofreading processes. With EasyCatalog, image management becomes effortless, and the creation of paintings, summaries, indexes, and tables of contents is automated for efficiency. Additionally, it simplifies the management of headrests and tabs, ensuring your publications are both accurate and visually appealing. This integration streamlines workflows, enabling you to produce high-quality materials with precision and ease.