ACTIVO - CEPIC Congress 2023 - Replay & Analysis

Activo was delighted as a  member of CEPIC (Center of the Picture Industry)  to sponsor once again the  CEPIC Congress  2023 which held  in Juans-Les-Pans May 10-12  in France 🇫🇷  .

We are proud to be sponsor of such event at the heart of our DNA with our customers. It is also the opportunity to leverage best practises with DAM systems, rights management and best practices.

Of course it is all about photos and we are delighted to share with you our now selection, all  retouched and index and you can play them in a true DAM system, enjoy :



After photos enjoy now our special; aftermovie, a long one but all what happened during the 2 days !

CEPIC Congress 2023 replay aftermovie

This year we will do livre coverage of the event with insightful interviews of DAM and Photo experts, just subscribe to ACTIVO.TV.

For a top immersive ambiance enjoy the 360 view :

- Congress Palais

- CEPIC Party :

- Conference Is AI hijacking Art?

- Conference Adobe Imatag:

- Conference Genrative AI:

- Conference UPP CEPIC

- Conference Shutterstock

Why CEPIC Congress?

  • It is the only event in the visual media licensing industry that offers three days of nonstop networking with visual media professionals from +30 countries.

  • To attend conferences focusing on the latest developments in the visual media licensing industry: In 2023 the focus will be on AI, Diversity, and Creativity!

  • To meet agencies’ CEOs and sales representatives, as well as footage suppliers, industry service providers, technology specialists, legal professionals, and the creative minds that innovate the visual media licensing industry, all in one place.

Banner Sponsor

CEPIC Congress is highlighting AI thanks to the AI Day. Reason why we made a new white paper dedicated to AI, Generative AI and what works for DAM after our insights of OnDAM Paris 2022 :

AI background blog

Thanks to Google, Sponsor of CEPIC, “Celebrate Diversity and Inclusion in the Visual Communications Industry”:  half of the  day was dedicated to this subject-matter, speaking about Diversity & Inclusion through the following program:

- The point of view of the Platforms and the Distributors : Meeckel Beecher, Shutterstock
- The point of view of the Content Provider: Christina Vaughan, Cultura Creative and David Larsen, Africa Media Online Africa Media Online
- DAM : Our Executive Director and Co-Founder Activo Malika Kechich
- What the buyer sees, Platform distribution : Hichame Assi, Envato
- AI Bias verse Unconscious Bias :  Appu Shaji, Mobius Lab, Auriel W.  Product Manager at Google

Anna Dickson of Google introduced the Panel to explore today’s themes from unique perspectives.

Because Diversity & Parity in DAM Tech and Digital industry is a subject matter for Activo, Malika Kechich was delighted and proud to participate and shared with us an amazing keynote and now you can replay again !!

CEPIC Malika v2 replay

We will also moderated a dedicated session about DAM with PictureMax and the customer us case Mondadory.

keynote activo picturemaxx

DAM in Customer Experience - picturemaxx All-in-One solution for picture agencies and media svndication in publishing

We are also delighted to share all the recording of all sessions of CEPIC Congress 2023 and do not forget to subscribe to our ACTIVO.TV.

CEPIC 2023 play list

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